Contractions in Spanish

Did you know people also contract words when they are speaking in spanish? There are only two contractions you can and have to make. They are:

  1. a+el = al

When a precedes the definite article el, the two words combine to form a contraction. That is, two words become one.

INCORRECT: ¿Vas a el aeropuerto?

CORRECT: ¿Vas al aeropuerto?



2. de + el = del

When de precedes the definite article el, the two words combine to become del.

INCORRECT: ¿El auto es de el hermano de Mariana?

CORRECT: ¿El auto es del hermano de Mariana?

NOTE: You can’t combine or de with other articles (la, las, los, etc).

PAY ATTENTION! Don’t confuse the definite article el (the) with the pronoun él (he). Only the definite article (el) is contracted. The pronoun (él) is not.


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